Saturday, October 26, 2013

Another first draft done.

Just realized that I was about to go to bed without making sure I congratulated myself on finishing the first draft for the second book in my Rainstone series. Of course it could have been done a couple of days ago, but I got lazy. Either way it is done and I now will be turning my attention to the rewriting process for the first book of the series, Never Kiss a Vampire on the First Date.

I am really glad I decided to write this first draft for the next book, as not only will it help as both books are set to happen at the same location around the same time, just different characters and events they are involved in, but because I figured out how to make the first book better. There were plenty of places in the first draft that I did not feel worked but after mulling over them from time to time as I worked on the other book I figured how to make them work. I feel much more confident about this book being something I would want others to read. Of course I need to get those thoughts written down still, but that is what the whole rewriting process is.

My hope is that Never Kiss will be done so I can publish it sometime in December. Then I want the second book in the series, which I am currently calling Come For the Demons, Stay For the Hell, to be published in the first half of 2014. Of course I am talking about self-publishing as these are only going to be around 25,000 words each and the average novel is 50,000 words. But I am aiming for these to just be light reads and at that length I hope to get two out a year.

I have no idea how long this series will be, I have yet to figure out when I should end it, but so far I have enjoyed writing for it and have plenty of ideas to last me a few years with my planned schedule.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

October update.

Figured I should make some kind of post now that it is almost a week into October. I am still mainly working on the second book in what I am calling the Rainstone series. Or the first draft of the second book as I plan on having it sit once I am done with that so I can focus on rewriting the first draft of the first book of the series, Never Kiss a Vampire On the First Date.

I am doing some rewriting already for Never Kiss, and now that I have a much better idea of what I am actually going for with the book it is much easier to write for it. Though I doubt I would have ever figured that out if I did not force myself to finish the first draft and start working on the next book. I am so glad I got over the hurdle of just quitting when I am not liking what I write or I would be forever stuck with a lot of starts for things but nothing finished.

So I feel confident in getting Never Kiss out sometime this year and I hope to have the next out in the first half of 2014. If anything it looks for that one it will be more in the way of shortening things instead of having to do the massive rewriting of the first.