Sunday, December 22, 2013

Keep Crawling

So, this finishing the second draft is taking a bit longer than I had expected. I really only have myself to blame as I have been putting off writing for other things. But as of now I only have the final chapter to re-write and then I am done. I know I need to go back through it once more before finding someone else to read it and see if I missed anything and just get some general feedback.

I have come to the conclusion that I probably will not get this out before the end of the year. I still want to believe that there is still some slim hope but as long as I can get it out in the first half of January I will be happy. Either way it will be published within a month no matter what.

Right now I am refusing to let myself see the new Hobbit film until I get this second draft done and now that I am seeing others talk about it I find my motivation returning. Just got to figure out what to use as my motivation for finishing it up should be.

Then I get to start from the beginning with what will be the third book in the Rainstone series and get that first draft done before finally going back to finish up the second book. I think going this way will help in getting into a good pace in getting these books done in a timely basis. So hopefully the second book will be done and released within the first half of 2014 with the third in the second half.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Thoughts as I approach the finish

So I have not abandoned this blog, just felt I had nothing of interest to add to it.

I am still working on rewriting my first book, Never Kiss a Vampire on the First Date, and I keep hoping that I will finish it off any day now. I am well past the halfway mark and feel so much better about it now with what I have written. But because this has meant doing some massive rewriting it has taken me a bit longer than I had hoped. I still want to get it out before the end of the year, but I do also want to have someone read it first at least and do some more revisions to a few parts I am not completely happy with.

That said the next one should not take as long with the rewriting but of course I do want to write that first draft for the third in the series first. But I feel confident that all three will be completed before the end of 2014 and I would love to get out two to three of these out each year. It definitely helps that I am aiming more for around the 25,000 word range and not the 50,000 word range for them.

Because of that length I figure when I get it up on Kindle as an independent published novel I will try to have the price .99USD. I do not think I would feel right to charge more for something so short, and not to mention by a rookie author. I just hope people will be able to find it and give it a chance.